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A Personal Introduction


Mr. De Fazio comes from a bi-cultural, bilingual background, has received an eclectic education, and has worked most of his life in the professional theatre. 


He has dual citizenship:  Italian and American.  He spends half of his time in Europe and half in the United States.


Mr. De Fazio has studied singing, the violin, and dance.  


He studied photography through the University of California Extension in Berkeley and Los Angeles.


He received is B.A. in Theatre from Hope College (Michigan).


He received his Master of Divinity degree (M.Div.) from San Francisco Theological Seminary (Berkeley).


He received a Master Level Certificate from the University of California Los Angeles (U.C.L.A.) in Screenwriting.


He received a Master degree (M.F.A.) in Creative Writing from Antioch University.


Mr. De Fazio is an ordained Daoist Shifu of the American Dragon Gate Lineage. 


He is a certified Sumi-e painter, a martial artist (Kenpo), and a practitioner of Tai Chi Ch’uang and Qigong.



In 1991, he founded the international cultural association, Studio De Fazio, in Rome, Italy. The Studio is an artistic point of reference for professional actors, directors, opera singers, and dancers from eleven countries who come to research an original creative approach pioneered by Mr. De Fazio. 


In 2013, he founded in Rome, Italy the international, non-profit cultural association dedicated to the research and study of Communication: CREA Studio.


Dominique De Fazio is recognized internationally as one of the most distinguished theatrical teachers/directors in the world.




Teaching Credits and Achievements


A former student and subsequent collaborator of Lee Strasberg at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute, Dominique De Fazio is a lifetime member of The Actors Studio in New York.  Appointed by Mr. Strasberg to be a Moderator of the Acting Sessions of The Actors Studio, Mr. De Fazio taught periodically at The Actors Studio over a period of years.


After the historic seminar given by Lee Strasberg in Bochum, Germany in 1978, Mr. De Fazio was the first teacher to bring a systematic training in the tradition called “The Method” to Germany, Italy, France and Spain.


Later, Mr. De Fazio created a new and complete System of Creative Study and Research sometimes referred to as “The Poetic Theatre.” 


As a world-renown teacher of acting, Mr. De Fazio was invited to lecture and teach his new system at the conference on Stanislavski held in Paris in 1988:  Le Siecle Stanislavski.  This symposium brought together the most important figures in the world that represent the various developments of the Stanislavski tradition over the past one hundred years. .  From the United States, Sidney Pollack, Stellar Adler, Bobby Lewis, Ellen Burstein, and Dominique De Fazio came to lecture.  

Mr. De Fazio lectured at the Georges Pompidou Centre on his own evolution of the Stanislavski  System, “Toward a Poetic Theatre”.  Three of these directors were invited also to conduct workshops during the symposium to demonstrate their evolution of Stanislavski:  Stella Adler (the Group Theatre), Bobby Lewis (the Group Theatre and co-founder of The Actors Studio), and Dominique De Fazio (The Actors Studio and Studio De Fazio).  



In 1995, Mr. De Fazio was one of seven European directors invited to participate in the Stanislavski-Brecht International Symposium held in Hannover, Germany.  At this symposium, each director conducted a workshop and presented results of the workshop.  A book on this symposium has subsequently been published in Berlin.   


Directing Credits and Achievements





The European productions:


Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute     by De Fazio      World Premiere                        2002

Singing Wood                                       by De Fazio      North American premiere       1998

Singing Wood                                       by De Fazio      German premiere                    1996

Agnes of God                                       by Pielmeier     Rome premiere                        1994

Cages                                                   by Carlino         Italian national tour             1986-1987

From Me To You                                   by De Fazio       Munich Theatre Festival          1981



The New York Equity productions:


Waiting for Lefty                                 by Clifford Odets                                                  1983

Till the Day I Die                                  by Clifford Odets                                                  1983



The award-winning Los Angeles productions of:


Father’s Day                                      by Oliver Hailey                                                       1980

Hostile Terrain                                   by Paul Hunter                                                        1977



Ma-katachi Theatre Company             Rome                                                                1994-present

Studio De Fazio                                       Rome                                                                 1990-present

The Circle Theatre Company               Hollywood                                                         1976-1979

CREA Studio                                             Rome                                                                 present


Film Production Company:


Hidden Moon Productions, Ltd. (Hollywood)        President                                          2002-present    



Un Arrivo (1983)                                   short film, written and directed by Dominique De Fazio.


                                                              A Gaumont Production, this film was nominated 

                                                                     for the Golden Palm at the Cannes Film Festival.

                                                              Giuseppe Rotunno (Academy Award-Winner)

                                                              was the The Director of Photography on this film.       


Dancing on a Dry Salt Lake (2013)    feature film produced, written, and directed by

                                                              Dominique De Fazio.    

As a writer,


his produced plays include:

From Me To You (Germany), Singing Wood ( Germany, Los Angeles), and Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute (Rome, Italy); and,

his screenplays include:

An Arrival (Golden Palm Nominee at Cannes) , Appointment at Rome, and Dancing On a Dry Salt Lake.




As a painter


his Sumi-e ink brush paintings have been exhibited at the Japanese American Cultural Center in Los Angeles, California.



In Italy:                                                                                                                          1981-present


            Mr. De Fazio was contracted as creative        

            consultant for Young & Rubican, Milano.


           He also conducted seminars at Cinecittà.            

           More than eighty seminars and workshops, some hosted by Fellini at Cinecittà,

          others sponsored by the Province of Milan, the Region Lazio, ARCI, 

          the City of Roma, Teatro dell’Orologio, RAI 3Argôt Studio, DEDALO,

          Associazione Culturale STUDIO DE FAZIO and CREA Studio.    


In Germany:                                                                                                               1980-present


           Mr. De Fazio has conducted seminars for three of Germany’s

           most famous theaters and one of Germany’s most famous festivals:


                the Hamburg Schauspielhaus

                the Schaubühne of Berlin

                the Schillertheater

                the Munch Theatre Festival


          Also, he has conducted seminars and workshops in

          Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Darmstadt, Frankfurt and Hannover

          sponsored by various organizations, including:


                Schauspielschule Artrium Hamburg

                Artemis Schauspielstudio


In Spain:                                                                                                                        1981-2001    

            Mr. De Fazio has conducted seminars in Spain     

            for professional actors and directors at the 

            invitation of:


                the Television of Catalonia,

                the Centro Dramatico of the 

                       National Theatre of Spain in Madrid

                the Theatre Institute of Barcelona,  

                the City of Valencia, and 

                AISGE of Barcelona.


In Argentina:                                                                                                                1987


           Mr. De Fazio conducted an historic seminar on his 

           new system for creative study and research 

           at the invitation of Argentina’s largest theatre, 

           Teatro San Martin.



In France:                                                                                                                     1980-1982


            Mr. De Fazio taught for the                

            Institut Européen de l’Acteur in Paris.    

Awards and Recognitions


for the latest feature narrative film, Dancing on A Dry Salt Lake (2013), produced in Hollywood, include the following:


BEST FILM                                             –  Mountain Film Festival                         – Feature Film (Comedy) 

GOLDEN PALM AWARD                       –  Mexico International Film Festival     – Feature Film

BEST ACTOR AWARD                          –  Los Angeles Movie Awards                 – Best Actor (Dominique De Fazio)

BEST PRODUCTION DESIGN                –  Los Angeles Movie Awards                – Director (Dominique De Fazio)

BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY                    –  LA Global Film Festival                        – Feature Film    

OFFICIAL BEST OF THE FEST AWARD  –  Best of Fest Award                              – Feature Film 

AWARD OF EXCELLENCE                     –  Los Angeles Movie Awards                – Script (Dominique De Fazio)

AWARD OF EXCELLENCE                     –  Los Angeles Movie Awards                – Feature Film

AWARD OF EXCELLENCE                     –  Accolade Competition                      – Feature Film    

AWARD OF EXCELLENCE                     –  Accolade Competition                      – Director (Dominique De Fazio)

AWARD OF EXCELLENCE                     –  Accolade Competition                      – Lead Actor (Dominique De Fazio)

AWARD OF EXCELLENCE                     –  The INDIE FEST                                      – Feature Film 
AWARD OF EXCELLENCE                     –  The INDIE FEST                                      – Director (Dominique De Fazio)

SILVER LEI AWARD                               –  Honolulu Film Awards                         – Feature Film

SILVER LEI CRYSTAL AWARD               –  Honolulu International Film Festival  – Feature Film

2nd PLACE AWARD                             – Los Angeles Art House Film Festival   – Screenplay (Dominique De Fazio)

2nd PLACE AWARD                             – Los Angeles REEL Film Festival             – Screenplay (Dominique De Fazio)

© 2023 All Rights Reserved by Dominique De Fazio

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